Weekly Updates: February 2 - 8, 2025
Sunday 2-2-25
Good Evening Huguenot High School Falcons,
We hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. Here are tonight’s updates:
The Huguenot High School Class of 2025 Graduation will take place May 28, 10 AM., at the VCU Stuart C. Siegal Center.
There will be at least two mandatory rehearsals prior to the graduation, the first of which will be May 14, from 11:30 AM.-12:20 PM. at the Stuart C. Siegal Center. Transportation to the rehearsal will be provided. Please mark your calendars for both of these dates. More information concerning graduation is available at rmd.me/MKHvJjETPqD
**Herff Jones Cap and Gown Sales**
Herf Jones will be in the door 2 foyer from 4 PM- 6:30 PM on Tuesday, February 4 for in-person cap and gown sales. You can also order caps and gowns online using the link located on the Senior Google classroom.
**WIDA Testing**
WIDA testing begins this week, February 5 for multi-language learners. All students participating in WIDA testing should plan to be in school daily to complete all test sections. These are extremely important tests.
**Headphones and Cellphones Away All Day**
Please consider having your student keep their headphones (Airpods/Beats/etc.) at home. These are expensive items and are prohibited to be worn or used during the school day. Headphones and cell phones must be away all day per the executive order from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Keeping headphones at home drastically reduces the chance of them being lost or broken, and allows students not to be redirected so that they may focus on instruction. The cellphone policy can be found here: rmd.me/d4lMuYfIEf1
**Clear Backpack Protocol**
This is a reminder that RPS continues the clear backpack protocol. Students must have clear backpacks with them when coming to school. We will be reinforcing the protocol on Monday. The backpack protocol can be found here: rmd.me/8IjzbX71BHE
Thank You and have a wonderful evening.
Dr. Michael Massa
Principal, Huguenot High School