Good Afternoon Huguenot High School Families,
The weekly announcements are below but please see the midyear message at the bottom of this communication:
**Semester 2 Starts on Monday, Jan. 27th**
Students will be starting their new Semester 2 classes on Monday. Please check ASPEN to access your student’s semester two schedule. We will have an extended homeroom tomorrow morning to distribute hard copies of schedules.
**5 Ideals**
The beginning of a new semester is a great opportunity to start fresh. Students will be hearing (and seeing) about the 5 ideals and the expectations that are associated with them during the beginning of the second semester. Please reinforce the expectations with your students at home as well. They can be found here:
**Headphones and Cellphones Away All Day**
Please consider having your student keep their headphones (Airpods/Beats/etc.) at home. These are expensive items and are prohibited to be worn or used during the school day. Headphones and cell phones must be away all day per the executive order from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Keeping headphones at home drastically reduces the chance of them being lost or broken, and allows students to not be redirected so that they may focus on instruction. The cellphone policy can be found here:
**Clear Backpack Protocol**
This is a reminder that RPS continues the clear backpack protocol. Students must have clear backpacks with them when coming to school. We will be reinforcing the protocol on Monday. The backpack protocol can be found here:
As we begin a new semester I would like to acknowledge our faculty and staff at Huguenot High School. On Friday I received our “Continous Improvement Award” banner presented to us by the Virginia Department of Education after we received our letter and notification earlier in the school year. We will proudly display it for students and visitors to see in our main hallway. Our teachers and staff work tirelessly in support of our students and community. I watch them go above and beyond every day in building relationships with our students, modeling good character and empathy, supplying innovative instruction, providing deeper learning opportunities, and giving so much of themselves to our students. With love in my heart I say THANK YOU to our Huguenot High School teachers, support staff, and everyone, every day who contributes to a positive school environment here at HHS. Early data from testing before retakes and second attempts show that our scores continue to rise in most areas. Our discipline data, as of Friday is in even better shape than it was a year ago, despite last year showing huge growth in keeping students in school and reducing discipline infractions. We are so proud to be Huguenot Falcons as we continue to rise.
We continue to need your help and support. Please continue to make sure to send your children to school every day, all day, from arrival at 8:35 to dismissal at 4 pm. Please continue to ensure that Chromebooks are charged, homework and studying are taking place, and that academic achievement is the top priority for our students. Most importantly, please reach out to teachers, counselors, and administrators whenever there is a question, or help is needed. We appreciate your continued support and partnership.
As we end one semester and begin another, I encourage you to reach out to any faculty or staff who has made a positive difference and thank them directly for their service and dedication.
By continuing to forge a strong partnership between the school and home, we will spread our wings and soar even higher! GOOOOOOOOO FALCONS!
Dr. Michael Massa
Principal, Huguenot High School